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Tea Hair Fragrance or “Hao Xiang” - What You Need to Know About

Tea Hair Fragrance or Hao Xiang - What You Need to Know About Aged Silver Needles White Tea

Silver needles are the highest grade of all white teas and is highly sought after amongst white tea lovers. It is versatile and can be enjoyed either fresh or aged. So why do we care about aged tea when the fresh one already tastes so good? Yes, each category has its own advantages in terms of health benefits and sensory experience. But have you heard of the buzz words, Hao Xiang? Hao Xiang is the exclusive character of silver needles, meaning the fragrance of the tea hair. A distinctive taste that is evolved with the passage of time and very attractive to many. 

 Tea Hair Fragrance or “Hao Xiang” - What You Need to Know About

New harvest silver needles, as one might expect, look greener, taste fresh and vibrant, and usually have a stronger floral fragrance. Five to ten-year-old silver needles, like mature adults, are mellower and smoother, with less floral notes. As it ages, the freshness and floral notes give way to a fruitier finish and a splash of grain. Many tea tasters may find it analogous to white wine, with its complexity of flavors increasing your desire for more. The major shift of fragrance from young freshness to a taste of grain comes from the hairy buds, which Chinese tea connoisseurs refer to as Hao Xiang, the very essence of aged silver needles, amongst with medicinal and other notes.

Let’s dive into the three critical elements that produce excellent aged silver needles. The first two elements are a high-quality leaf and skilled processing, which are necessities for facilitating successful aging. During my trips to Fuding, I learned that the production of high-quality aged silver needles cannot be taken for granted. The process seems rather simple, yet it is complex and labor intensive. In fact, silver needles require significant labor to harvest as they only contain tiny buds with a very short picking window. In addition, its processing has more impact on quality and taste than the other two white tea categories, white peony and shou mei. High quality silver needles are usually slowly baked several times during the drying phase, while the other white tea types are not. In fact, the moisture content of the silver needle buds is a very important factor in quality control.  Chinese white tea making standards require a moisture content in the leaf of less than 8%. Thirdly, proper aging is critical for achieving the desired quality and taste down the road. The aging process requires planning and care.

 Tea Hair Fragrance or “Hao Xiang” - What You Need to Know About

There is no doubt that fine aged silver needles are a rare find in the market. Silver needles are sold at much higher price than white peony and shou mei due to its low yield, higher picking standards and the greater skills involved in processing.  This inevitably makes aged silver needles much more costly than other types of white tea. It is no surprise that finding a good quality, 5-year-old silver needles tea requires a bit of luck, let alone a great 8-10 year-old vintage. If you come across a rather inexpensive aged silver needle tea, it might be wise to pause and investigate the source. It is no secret that most aged silver needles sold on the market are fake and may even be harmful to your body. Keep an eye out for market shenanigans. 

At Meimei Fine Teas, we take pride in the quality and authenticity of what we sell as it is the foundation of our sourcing philosophy.  Let’s cheer for our 2024 treasured finds and celebrate the fruits of Victoria’s endless pursuit of authenticity and the best of the best. This 2016 Vintage Super Grade Silver Needles is an example of what great aged silver needles has to offer. 

Now a trivia question for you. 

How many layers you can peel off from a high grade silver needle bud?

The answer is 5-7 layers when it is fully brewed. Try for yourself next time after you brewed the leaf. It is like a lotus flower that can be continually unfurled.

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