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Dog Head Tribute Green Tea
Dog Head Tribute Green Tea
Dog Head Tribute Green Tea
Dog Head Tribute Green Tea

Dog Head Tribute Green Tea


Dog Head Tribute tea gets its name from its origin of Dog Head Mountain, Shui Chuang county, Jiangxi province. The locals named the tea after the most famous mountain in that tea-producing area, which is shaped like a dog’s head. Dog Head tea is a famous green tea, developed during the Qing dynasty, about 300 years ago. Shui Chuan is a mountainous region, with 80% covered by forest, and misty clouds usually blanket the mountain tops. This tea is a favorite of the local Jiangxi people.

This tea is more extensively processed than other green tea, has a stronger flavor and can sustain multiple steepings. It is full bodied, creamy, smooth, and has a sweet aftertaste, very refreshing.

Additional Info

Origin:                  Shui Chuan county, Jiangxi Province, China
Varietal:                Local varietal called Qunti Zhong 
Harvest time:        Early April 2021
Elevation:             800 meters
Caffeine level:      Medium

Tasting Notes

 Full bodied, creamy, smooth, and has a sweet aftertaste, very refreshing.